Ying van Liry Tom

Ying van Liry Tom

Kleur:Blue Point 
Geboren: 11-08-2020
Geslacht: poes

Fokker & Eigenaar: Cattery van Liry Tom

Ouders Grootouders Overgrootouders Betovergrootouders

EGIC Amigo von Penski

Thai, bluepoint
ZB-Nr 69711

W.Ch. Diego von Penski
Thai, sealpoint
D.E.68730 RIEX
WC.Dacapo Von Penski

Thai, bluepoint
DEeV 65383
EGIC Filou vom Saphirstern

Thai, lilacpoint
DE 61758
WC,Jenny von Penski

Thai, sealpoint
DE 27648
WC.Gipsy von Twelve Oaks
Thai, sealpoint
Topcat's Xanto Brown Sugar
Thai, chocolatepoint
VDK 55517-402-2/0
GIC.Arwen of Ninniach
Thai, bluepoint
THA-LO-3725 1.04
Lara von Penski

Thai, chocolatepoint
69237 RIEX
Amore dei Diamanti di Luna
Thai, chocolatepoint
LR.FIAF 2011
Glasslipper Paul Newman

Thai, lilac point
LR.FIAF 1982
Endorphine de la Vallée de l'Aube

Thai, chocolate point
LR.FIAF 1853
Venus von Penski
Thai, chocolate point
DEeV 67617
WC.Robin von Penski
Thai, chocolatepoint
Ultima von Penski
Thai, chocolate point

Ch.Nolah van Liry Tom

Thai, lilac point
Geb: 10-06-2015



Susumu vom Wällerwind

Thai, blue point
FCCeV 08.06.188-201
Geb: 26-6-2008
CH. Wahid Star of Thai

Thai seal point
FCCeV 105.11.05
W.Ch. Wusel v/d Falkenhohe

Thai choc point
KFG 1576/99-9857m
IC. Bashira Star of Thai

Thai seal point
CH. Halina vom Wällerwind

Thai seal point
KFG-03-6-480/05 RIEX
CH. Giro vom Schloss Charlottenhof
Thai lilac point
DRV 035016
Minou vom Wällerwind

Thai seal point
FCCeV 102.08.02/
IC.Pranee van Liry Tom

Thai, seal point
Geb: 23-3-2013

Mojito de Cascabel

Thai, seal point
Geboren: 1-7-2009
Dune Leyland des Vignes

Thai seal point
Los-REX 08-2362
RoseMarie Robi of Skye

Thai choc point
WNCA 25115
Pieng Kem La-Wan

Thai, seal point 
Maxim de Girones

Thai, seal point
Hatika Luta Sinja Malu

Thai, seal point
Geb: 19 maart 2008

Omhoog Liry Tom Pranee Nolah van Liry Tom Ying van Liry Tom

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Laatst bijgewerkt 09-09-2024