Ouders |
Grootouders |
Overgrootouders |
Betovergrootouders |
Vader: Eur.Ch.
Susumu vom Wällerwind
Thai, blue point
FCCeV 08.06.188-201
Geb: 26-6-2008 |
CH. Wahid Star of Thai
Thai seal point
FCCeV 105.11.05 |
C.M. Wusel v/d Falkenhohe
Thai choc point
KFG 1576/99-9857m |
Uncle Sam v/d Falkenhohe
Thai lilac point
AKEM 91/003-003m-99 |
Edle Farina v/d Falkenhohe
Thai choc point
SIK 930193-ST131193-F1 |
IC. Bashira Star of Thai
Thai seal point
HKB-2001-01-010 |
Topcat's Xanto Brown Sugar
Thai choc point
VDK 55517-402-2/0 |
C.M. Sky Eyes Petit Fleur
Thai seal point
HKB 99-06-117/226 |
CH. Halina vom Wällerwind
Thai seal point
KFG-03-6-480/05 RIEX |
CH. Giro vom Schloss Charlottenhof
Thai lilac point
DRV 035016 |
GIC. Adtream Fire Loki
Siamees choc point
CSSR 551325 |
GIC. Yungaya's Rashira
Thai, blue point |
Minou vom Wällerwind
Thai seal point
FCCeV 102.08.02/
SRV-005164-0 |
Gizmo N.I.
Siamees, seal point |
Fee N.I.
Thai seal point |
IC.Pranee van Liry Tom
Thai, seal point
Geb: 23-3-2013
Mojito de
Thai, seal point
Geboren: 1-7-2009 |
Leyland des Vignes
Thai seal point
Los-REX 08-2362 |
Vero Romeo Leyland des Vignes
Thai choc point
LOS RIEX 04-2110 |
IC. Tiger Leyland des Vignes
Thai seal point
LOS 02-1989 |
RoseMarie Robi of Skye
Thai choc point
WNCA 25115 |
Buster Alison
Siamees seal point
WNCA THAI 1060 |
Millie Molly
Thai choc point
WNCA THAI 1065 |
Pieng Kem La-Wan
Thai, seal point
Geb:8-4-2010 |
Maxim de Girones
Thai, seal point
Prince Du Siam
Thai, blue point
NCT A2008-4077
Geboren: 24/03/2008 |
Isa Bella La
Sorpresa Peluda
Thai, chocolate point
NCT A2003-4511
Geboren: 29-11-2003 |
Hatika Luta Sinja Malu
Thai, seal point
Geb: 19 maart 2008 |
Ch.Black&Tan Tymo Mostiamo
Thai, blue point
Geboren:11-2-2006 |
La Luna de
Thai, seal point
NCT A2004-4434
Geb: 18 augustus 2004 |