Anyamanii Neytiri


Gr.Int.Ch. Anyamanii Neytiri

Kleur: chocolate point
Geboren: 20 september 2011
Geslacht: poes

Fokker en eigenaar: Cattery Anyaanii

Ouders Grootouders Overgrootouders Betovergrootouders

Royal Amor Star of Thai

Kleur:chocolate point
Roepnaam: Amor

Wusel von der Falkenhohe

Thai, choc point
KFG 1576/99-9857m
Ch.UncleSam v/d Falkenhöhe

Thai lilac point
AKEM 91/003-003m-99
Merlin of Old Royal Siam
Mona-Lisa v/d Falkenhöhe
Ch.Mond. Edle Farina von der Falkenhohe 

THA b (THA 24b)
G.E.C. Angelo v/d Falkenhohe
THA n (THA 24)
Ch. Betrischa Fantastic G vd Falkenhohe

THA n (THA 24)
IC. Golden Flame Star of Thai

Thai choc point
FCCeV 07.10.151
Love me Tender Kid Curry

Siamees lilac point
(S) SVERAK LO 222216
Nue Camp's Milton

Siamees lilac point
SVERAK LO 198747
Larhill Lily OfTheValley

Siamees lilac point (S) LO 211911
World Ch.
Chai Lee Star of Thai

Thai choc point HKB-2001-10-273/232
Barny Star of Thai
Thai seal point
Roxana von Penski
Thai choc point DE 61388

Ch. Via Vai Jai-ho

Thai, seal point
Geb: 26 september 2009

Lailani's Tarmo

Thai, chocolate point
LOZ 1016538 RIEX
Romeo Leyland des Vignes

Thai, chocolate point
LOS RIEX 04-2110
Geb: 18-05-2004
Catwood Domino Siamees

lilac point
LOZ-RIEX 1002763
Mira Leyland des Vignes

Thai seal point
LOS-RIEX 02-1992
Malfalathiel's Ronja

Thai, lilac point
KFG-03-5607/04-w RIEX
Geb: 10-12-2004
EGIC. Filou vom Saphirstern
Filou von Saphirstern
Thai lilac point
DE 61768
Tosja von den Summercats

Thai blue point
Hatika Luta Silva

Thai, seal point 
NCT A2006-4064
Geb: 18 februari 2006
G.I.C.Sky Eyes Amaro (Farao)

Thai , seal point
HKB 2002-11-258
Ch. Tom von der Lutherbuche

Siamees seal point 172908 1 DEKZV
Gr.E.Ch. Briska Pretty Girl v.d. Falkenhohe 

Thai seal point DE 8176
La Luna de Cascabel

Thai, seal point 
NCT A2004-4434
Eur.Ch.Varón de Cascabel
Varón de Cascabel
Thai , seal point 
NCT A2001-4093
Paquita Gallego (Import Ecuador)
Thai, seal point
NCT R994384

Omhoog Anyamanii Neytiri Anyamanii Aurora Anyamanii's Aisha

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Laatst bijgewerkt 09-09-2024