Ouders |
Grootouders |
Overgrootouders |
Betovergrootouders |
Vader: Royal Amor Star of Thai
Kleur:chocolate point
Roepnaam: Amor
Geboren:22-03-2009 |
Wusel von der Falkenhohe
Thai, choc point
KFG 1576/99-9857m |
Ch.UncleSam v/d Falkenhöhe
Thai lilac point
AKEM 91/003-003m-99 |
Merlin of Old Royal Siam
Mona-Lisa v/d Falkenhöhe
24THAc |
Ch.Mond. Edle Farina von der Falkenhohe
THA b (THA 24b) |
G.E.C. Angelo v/d Falkenhohe
THA n (THA 24) |
Ch. Betrischa Fantastic G vd Falkenhohe
THA n (THA 24) |
IC. Golden Flame Star of Thai
Thai choc point
FCCeV 07.10.151 |
Love me Tender Kid Curry
Siamees lilac point
(S) SVERAK LO 222216 |
Nue Camp's Milton
Siamees lilac point
SVERAK LO 198747 |
Larhill Lily OfTheValley
Siamees lilac point (S) LO 211911 |
World Ch.
Chai Lee Star of Thai
Thai choc point HKB-2001-10-273/232 |
Barny Star of Thai
Thai seal point
HKB-2001-01-008/232 |
Roxana von Penski
Thai choc point DE 61388 |
Nubia v/d Rode Zonnehoed
Thai, seal point
NCT A2010-4174
Prince Du Siam
Thai, blue point
Geboren: 24-7-2006 |
Urkhan Von Penski
Thai, lilac point |
CH. Ivanhoe von Penski
Thai seal point
ZB-nr 63400 |
Laila von Penski
Thai lilac point
63816 DEEV |
VeryThai Princesse Du Siam
Thai blue point
AAAF 12860 RIEX |
Mowgly of the Blue Life
Thai blue point
AAAF 7651 RIEX |
Saphire Princesse Du Siam
Thai seal point
AAAF 10148 RIEX |
Falep van Feng Shui
Thai, seal point
NCT A2006-424?
Geboren:01-07-2006 |
Gr.Eur.Ch.Filou vom Saphirenstern
Thai, lilac point
DE 16768 RIEX |
EC. Yungaya's Quintin
blue point
Bavarian e.V. CFA 97761 |
Sheila vom Saphirstern
Siamees, foreign white |
Fa Sarung van Feng-Shui
Thai, seal point
NCT A2004-4544
DOB:11-09-2004 |
Eur.Ch.Varón de Cascabel
seal point
NCT A2001-4093 |
Feng-Shui of Blue Eyes
Thai, seal point
AICC 04006246 |