Catootje v/h Lenteklokje

Catootje Van het Lenteklokje

Kleur:seal point
(NL)FE RX 16.THA.002.2
Geboren:4 november 2016
Geslacht: Poes

Fokker & Eigenaar: Astrid van Ruiten

Ouders Grootouders Overgrootouders Betovergrootouders

Via Vai Bhumibol

Thai, seal point
NCT A2014-4032

Yutan Mana Liry Tom

Thai choc point
Eros d/l Vallée d l'Aube

Thai lilac point
Bon Sayid Thaikiki

Thai seal point
NCT A2005-4324
Ushuaia des Hauts D'Herrinnes

Thai lilac point
HPC riex 171
Pieng Kem La-Wan

Thai seal point
LIMBRA A10.THA.003.2
Maxim de Gironès

Thai seal point
NCT A2008-4077
Hatika Luta Sinja Malu

Thai seal point
NCT A2008-4087
Hatika Luta Silva

Thai, seal point 
NCT A2006-4064
Geb: 18 februari 2006
GIC Sky Eyes Amaro (Farao)

Thai , seal point
HKB 2002-11-258
Ch. Tom von der Lutherbuche

Siamees seal point 172908 1 DEKZV
GEC Briska Pretty Girl v.d. Falkenhohe 

Thai seal point DE 8176
La Luna de Cascabel

Thai, seal point 
NCT A2004-4434
EC Varón de Cascabel
Varón de Cascabel
Thai , seal point 
NCT A2001-4093
Paquita Gallego (Import Ecuador)

Thai, seal point
NCT R994384

Rosa Mundi's Guinevere

Thai, chocolate point

Feivel von den Pretty Diamonds

Thai choc point
Geb: 15-03-2012

Monty vom Sausesöckchen

Thai choc point
Sioux von Penski

Thai choc point
Bonita-Bavaria von Sajam-Thai

Thai, lilac point
Blueberry von den Pretty Diamonds

Thai, blue point
Karli von den Summercats

Thai seal point
Ch.Candy v/d Summercats

Thai, lilac point
Uba v/d Rode Zonnehoed

Thai, chocolate point
NCT A2012-4077
Susumu vom Wällerwind

Thai, blue point
FCCeV 08.06.188-201
Geb: 26-6-2008
CH. Wahid Star of Thai

Thai seal point
FCCeV 105.11.05
CH. Halina vom Wällerwind

Thai seal point
KFG-03-6-480/05 RIEX
Kijana Kahurangi

Thai, seal point
Fatka Jack van Vyomesh

Thai, chocolate point 
Pascha Isis La Sorpresa Peluda

Thai, seal point
NCT A2005-4023

Omhoog Rosa Mundi's Guinevere Catootje v/h Lenteklokje Kira N v/h Lenteklokje

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Laatst bijgewerkt 09-09-2024